Dr. Pham Duong Hong Ngoc – Faculty of Russian Language and Culture

  1. Academic Background

Dr Pham Duong Hong Ngoc is currently a Lecturer in the Department of Russian Language and Culture. She is currently responsible for teaching modules such as Russian 1A, Russian 1B, Russian 2A, Russian 2B, Russian 3A, Russian 3B, Russian 3C, Russian 4B, Russian Travel, Thinking Creativity and Entrepreneurship, Emotional Intelligence and Social Communication. PhD. Pham Duong Hong Ngoc started teaching in 2015. She graduated from the National Institute of Russian Language named after Pushkin in 2014 and defended her Ph.D. thesis at the Pushkin Institute of Russian Language in 2014.

2. Contact

Tel:  0936624582

Email: ngoc241985@ulis.vnu.edu.vn; ngocpdh@vnu.edu.vn

3. Research Interest

Russian language, Methodology of teaching Russian language and literature, tourism studies, Russian language in the field of Tourism, Emotional Intelligence and Social Interaction

4. Research Grants and Major Publications

