Opening Vietnamese language course for children of overseas Vietnamese in the UK

On June 9th, 2024, the opening ceremony of the free Vietnamese language teaching program for children of overseas Vietnamese in the UK was held online with the participation of lecturers from ULIS-VNU and around 200 students across the UK.

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The program is jointly organized by the Vietnamese Association in the UK (VAUK), the Association for Liaison with Overseas Vietnamese (ALOV) and ULIS-VNU to support the Vietnamese community in the UK in the process of preserving and developing Vietnamese language and culture.

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Phase 1 of the program lasts 15 months with 16 classes, divided into 3 levels, A, B, C, with 228 students. Classes are held online every Sunday. Each class has 15 students led by a lecturer in the Department of Vietnamese Language and Culture, ULIS. At the end of the course, students will be presented with a certificate from ULIS-VNU. The program also includes annual summer camps to bring Vietnamese language and cultural experiences in the homeland to young generations of Vietnamese expatriates. The program curriculum was compiled by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Lan Trung – President of the Vietnam Linguistics Association – and is provided free of charge to students. All 32 lecturers participating in teaching work on a voluntary basis.