AI application project in essay grading

On September 19th, 2024, ULIS-VNU in collaboration with OMT Online Management Training Joint Stock Company, organized a Seminar to introduce the online platform for automatic writing assessment using AI (AI for Higher Education Writing Assessment: A joint project between OMT and The Faculty of English, ULIS VNUS). This is an opportunity for interested teachers to learn about the application of AI in foreign language proficiency tests as well as in teaching.

At the beginning of the program, Dean of the Faculty of English, Dr. Vu Thi Thanh Nha, hoped that teachers participating in the project would be equipped with more knowledge on using AI in marking and assessing written tests in English exams.

In the program, Dr. Nguyen Thi Thuy Linh, lecturer of the Faculty, briefly introduced the KTA Online system as well as the use of AI in popular writing marking currently used in VSTEP, IELTS and VNU Tests.

Technology partner OMT presented specifically the development process of applying the latest AI tools to build specialized databases and apply Large Language Models in marking papers.

Prof. Antony John Kunnan, a Fulbright scholar currently working at the university and also a person who has participated in developing or deploying automatic writing scoring software in the world such as Duolingo, My Access, Write to Learn, shared his experiences on applying AI in international assessment.