The 2024 summer has gone by the University of Languages and International Studies – Vietnam National University, Hanoi (ULIS – VNU). ULIS this summer was hectic with numerous prominent events such as: ensured quantity and quality of regular undergraduate and graduate enrollment (2nd round) in 2024; organized a conference of faculty and employees to summarize the 2023-2024 school year; conference to review five years of operation of ULIS Middle School (UMS) and new directions in the context of autonomy; reviewed and adjusted ULIS Development Strategy to 2030, with a vision to 2045 (issued under Decision No. 1068/QD-DHNN dated 26 July, 2021); finalized the project on job positions associated with the salary mechanism and internal spending regulations of the Foreign Language Specialized School; renovated the organization of national conferences on researching and teaching foreign languages, linguistics and international studies in Vietnam (UNC); chose appropriate directions for science and technology activities and knowledge transfer at ULIS and VNU in the new context.

This 2024-2025 academic year has started off with motivating activities from welcoming new Ulisers to organizing course opening ceremonies for all students. This 4th quarter, we will need to well implement and fulfill the following key tasks: review, urge and support units at ULIS to meet their assigned 2024 Key Performance Indicators; finalize plans to organize congresses of Party cells, plans to organize the 20th Party Congress of ULIS, term 2025-2030; plans to celebrate the 70th anniversary of ULIS, the 70th anniversaries of the Faculty of Russian Language & Culture and the Faculty of Chinese Language & Culture; etc.

On behalf of the Editorial Board, we wish all teachers, students and partners good health and an enjoyable time with excitement and fun at ULIS.

Yours Truly,

Editorial Board

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