1st meeting of Professor Council in 2024

On May 14th, 2024, the ULIS Professor Council held its first session in 2024.

In his opening speech, President Nguyen Xuan Long extended his thanks to 11 members who had agreed to participate in the ULIS Professor Council in 2024. The President believed that the Council would operate actively and achieve high results during its 1st term.


At the meeting, the Council voted to elect positions. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Hoa was elected as Chairman of the Council, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dinh Hong Van holds the position of Vice Chairman, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lam Quang Dong holds the position of Secretary.

In addition, the Council also assigned specific tasks and discussed activities in 2024.Notably, this year 3 candidates registered to be recognized as meeting the standards of professor and associate professor titles at the school.