Category Archives: News & Events

Admission for QH.2019 students with priority

On July 22nd, 2019, ULIS-VNU organized an admission for students enrolling in QH.2019.F1 at A1 Block. The reception work was divided into 3 main areas. The school also mobilized staff (purple shirts), student ambassadors (yellow shirts), volunteer students (green shirts) to support the event. Each

Briefing of July 2019

On July 17th, 2019, ULIS – VNU successfully held a briefing of July 2019, hosted by Dr. Do Tuan Minh – ULIS President. The briefing was attended by Dr. Do Tuan Minh – ULIS President, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ngo Minh Thuy, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lam


Dear respectful partners, First and foremost, we would like to extend our sincere greetings to all of you, home and overseas partners, who have accompanied the University of Languages and International Studies, Vietnam National University (ULIS – VNU) in all spheres for a long time

ULIS Summer Course 2019 for Francophonie students organized

On July 11th -17th, 2019, ULIS-VNU and Francophonie University Association (AUF) organized the “ULIS Summer Course 2019” with the participation of 45 French-speaking students from 6 Asian countries, including Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Korea, Thailand and Vietnam. “Summer Course” (Université d’été) is an annual program initiated by

Chances for studying in HongKong

The United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia is pleased to invite applications for its 2020-2021 Faculty Scholarship Program.   The Faculty Scholarship Program supports promising young faculty from selected United Board network institutions in pursuing advanced degree study, taught in English at United