Chances for studying in HongKong
The United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia is pleased to invite applications for its 2020-2021 Faculty Scholarship Program.
The Faculty Scholarship Program supports promising young faculty from selected United Board network institutions in pursuing advanced degree study, taught in English at United Board network institutions or approved institutions within the Asia-Pacific region but located outside of their home countries. These scholarships help developing colleges and universities nurture junior faculty members and advance whole person education. Through the Faculty Scholarship Program, the United Board aims to support individuals in strengthening their academic qualifications and enhancing their teaching and to foster academic networks among Asian universities.
We encourage institutions that have the need to upgrade their teaching faculty and a plan for faculty development to identify candidates for this opportunity. Each institution can nominate up to three candidates for the Faculty Scholarship Program. More details on institutional eligibility can be found in the guidelines.
Applicants must be currently employed full-time by a university in the United Board network in Asia; be 40 years old or below by the time of application; alternatively, have 15 years of service remaining before the official retirement age at the home institution; and committed to return to their home institutions after completing their degree programs. Preference will be given to candidates with at least 2-3 years of teaching experience and service at their home institutions.
Applicants from all disciplines are welcome, and special consideration will be given to applicants who are interested in pursuing gender or women’s studies or subjects that are newly established or less developed within the home institution or region.
Selected candidates may receive scholarship awards of up to US$12,000 per year, for a maximum of four years’ support for doctoral studies and up to two years for master’s degree programs, pending satisfactory progress. Scholarships generally cover tuition, room and board, and a modest monthly allowance. Additional one-time support for field research (maximum US$ 800) and/or conference attendance (maximum US$ 500) related to a doctoral dissertation in the final year is possible, and a request should be submitted when applying for scholarship renewal.
Some host universities have offered to top up the United Board funds with full-tuition waiver/scholarship, and below is a scholarship partial list for the 2019-2020 cycle for your reference. More details can be found in the United Board Network Institutions and Approved Institutions with English-medium Degree Programs document.
· Central China Normal University: full-tuition scholarships for all MA and PhD studies;
· Ewha Womans University: one full-tuition scholarship for MA and/or PhD in Natural Sciences (Nutritional Science and Food Management, Nursing Science), English Linguistics and Literature, Graduate School of International Studies (International Trade & Investment, International Business, Development Cooperation, International Relations, Korean Studies), Graduate School of Business and Engineering;
· Hong Kong Baptist University: one full-tuition scholarship each for MA in Communication, Media Management and International Journalism Studies;
· International Christian University: one full-tuition scholarship for Master of Peace Studies;
· Lingnan University: scholarships available for MA in International Higher Education & management, Master in Marketing and International Business, and Doctor of Policy Studies;
· Macquarie University: full-tuition scholarships for PhD studies.
The guidelines and application form for the United Board Faculty Scholarship Program are available on the United Board website, as well as a list of universities and their English-medium degree programs. Please refer to:
The application form and all supporting documents must be received by October 15, 2019 at the United Board’s Hong Kong office. The United Board will acknowledge the receipt of applications by email and will interview selected applicants.
Further inquiries can be directed to Dr. Hope Antone, at: