Conference with Head students, class leaders and training session for staff of the Youth Union in the 2018-2019 academic year

For the first time ever, the 4 members of the Executive Board of ULIS took part in a conference on student affairs to listen to ideas and aspirations of students.

The purpose of the conference and training session

On November 11th, 2018, ULIS ​​- VNU held the conference with Head students, class leaders and organized the training session for staff of the Youth Union in the 2018-2019 academic year to promote political and ideological education for the unionists and students; to study and follow the ideas, ethics, and style of Ho Chi Minh; to create a forum to listen to ideas, aspirations and answer questions of students; to provide information about academic affairs, student work, core activities of the University in the 2018-2019 academic year, and the project “Renovation of practice, internship, and development of supplementary skills for students” as well.

Attending the conference were Mr. Nguyen Manh Linh – Vice Chairman of Student Union, Deputy Head of Youth Union School in Hanoi; Mr. Truong Ngoc Kiem – Secretary of the Hanoi National University; Ms. Hua Thanh Hoa – Deputy Secretary of the Youth Union, President of VNU Student Association, Vice President of Hanoi Student Association; Mr. Tran Quoc Tu Kieu – Vice President of VNU Student Association.

From ULIS – VNU side, President Do Tuan Minh; Vice President Ngo Minh Thuy; Vice President Nguyen Xuan Long; Vice President Lam Quang Dong, along with leaders of the University’s units to attend the conference.

Particularly, nearly 500 students were the Head students, class cadres of the Youth Union and Student Association, and the head of the clubs of the University.

At the beginning of the conference, Deputy Head of Politics & Student Affairs Office Nguyen Van Doan announced the decision to recognize the head students of the 2018-2019 school year and announced the decision to reward 10 students for having made excellent progress in the 2017-2018 academic year.

At the event, a number of individuals and groups of the University received honors from Hanoi Youth Union, VNU’s Youth Union, and VNU Student Association.

Subsequently, representatives of the three units of the University, namely the Academic Affair Office, the Politics & Student Affair Office, and the Youth Union, reported on their activities and achievements during the 2017-2018 school year.

Continuing the reports was a presentation on the Project “Renovation of Practice, internship, and Supplementary Skills for Students – Experiential Learning” by Nguyen Thuy Linh – Vice President of the Student Association presented.

Also in the program, the students took part in a discussion session to share the problems, difficulties that they were facing, as well as to the teachers to listen to students’ thoughts and aspirations.

Speaking to conclude the conference, President Do Tuan Minh said that this was the first time that all four members of the University’s Executive Board participating in a conference on students. That proved how much the University cares for students.

The President affirmed that the student’s autonomy would be further strengthened and highly appreciated the reports given by the 3 units. He said: “This is a proof of a bright picture and high attractiveness of the University for students and society.

He expected the students in the conference to actively make suggestions, recommendations, and ideas for the University to solve the problems that students encounter.

He reaffirmed: “All the things that the University does is for the students’ sake.”

After the conference, the students had a training session in VNU site in Hoa Lac and participated in collective activities in the Vietnam National Villages for Ethnic Culture and Tourism, Ba Vi, Hanoi.

Other photos of the conference and training session:

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