Dr. Ho Thi Giang – Foreign Language Specialized School

  1. Academy background

Dr. Ho Thi Giang is currently a teacher at Foreign Language Specialized School, specializing in teaching Vietnamese literature to high school students. She has been teaching Vietnamese literature since 2010. She received her Master’s degree in Vietnamese Literature in 2019 at Hanoi National University of Education and successfully defended her doctoral thesis in 2018 at the Graduate Academy of Social Sciences, Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences.

2. Contact

Phone: 0977734846

Email: hogiang86cnn@gmail.com; gianght1986@vnu.edu.vn

3. Research Interest

Modern Vietnamese literature, Interdisciplinary studies of culture and literature

4. Research Grants and Major Publications

Articles, Magazines:

– Co-author “Designing Listening and Speaking Activities for Textual Fluency and Critical Thinking: The Involvement of Deeper Learning and Career Orientation Based on the Technology Platform,” presented at the international scientific conference “Engaging with Viet Nam,” held at the University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Ho Chi Minh City (2022)

– Co-author “From reading books to building vocabulary banks on specific topics,” International Scientific Conference “The Sixth World Congress on Extensive Reading” (held in Denpasar – Indonesia), August 2023

– Author “Cultural Space in Some Novels Written about the Post-Reform Countryside,” Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, June, Vol. 4, (No. 3), pp. 333-342 (2018)

– Author “Research on Cultural Conflicts in Literature: Some Theoretical and Practical Issues,” Journal of Folklore (Institute of Cultural Research), No. 2 (170), pp. 52-59 (2017)

– Author “Some Cultural Conflict Models in Novels Written about the Post-Reform Countryside,” Journal of Literature Studies, July, (No. 7) (557), pp. 79-92 (2018)

– Author “Reading the Short Stories “A Guest from the Countryside” and “Giát Market” by Nguyễn Minh Châu from a Semiotic Perspective,” presented at the scientific conference “Nguyễn Minh Châu in the Process of Literary Renovation,” published in the book Nguyễn Minh Châu in the Process of Literary Renovation, edited by Nguyễn Đăng Điệp, Social Sciences Publishing House (2020)

– Author “Approaching Nguyễn Huy Thiệp’s Short Stories to Develop Students’ Competencies in School,” Journal of Education Volume 23, Special Issue 4, May/2023

– Author “The Imprint of Existentialist Philosophy in Dương Nghiễm Mậu’s Short Stories,” Journal of Literature Studies (reviewed, awaiting publication) – 2023

– Author “Cultural Conflicts in “A Distant Time” (Lê Lựu) and “The Widow’s Wharf” (Dương Hướng) from the Perspective of Recognition Inspiration,” Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, April, (No. 35), pp. 90-97 (2016)

– Author “The Cultural Transformation of the Countryside in “The River of Sugarcane” by Đào Thắng,” Journal of the Vietnamese Arts Forum, April, (No. 255), pp. 13-17 (2016)

– Author “Cultural Model Friction in the Novel “Gods and Butterflies,” Journal of Arts and Culture, April, (No. 394), pp. 93-96 (2017)

– Author “Cultural Discourse through “Mẫu thượng ngàn” and “Đội gạo lên chùa” by Nguyễn Xuân Khánh,” Collection of Research Papers in Literature, Vol. 3 – Postgraduate Scientific Conference, Faculty of Literature, Hanoi National Pedagogy University, pp. 136-146 (2017)

– Author “Power and Family Interest Conflicts (through some novels written about the post-reform countryside),” Journal of the Vietnamese Arts Forum, January, (No. 276), pp. 25-31 (2018)

– Author “Sacred – Secular as a Cultural Conflict Model (Through some novels written about the post-reform countryside),” Journal of Nghệ An Culture, May, (No. 365), pp. 19-22 (2018)

– Author “Women’s Discourse through some novels written about the post-reform countryside,” Journal of Nghệ An Culture, July, (No. 368), pp. 29-32 (2018)

– Author “Discourse of Female Fate in “The Tale of Kieu” by Nguyen Du,” Journal of Literary Studies, No. 11 (573), November – 2019


– Co-author: “Reviewing for the National High School Graduation Exam,” VNU Publishing House (2017)

– Chief author “Practice Sets for Vietnamese Literature and Social Sciences for the Ability Assessment Exam into Grade 10 Specialized in Foreign Languages,” VNU Publishing House (2018)

– Chief author “Revision for Vietnamese Literature for Grade 10,” VNU Publishing House (2020)

– Chief author “Set of practice questions for the Grade 10 Specialized High School Entrance Exam – Vietnamese Literature,” VNU Publishing House (2020)

– Chief author “Nurturing Gifted Junior High School Students and Preparing for the Grade 10 Specialized High School Entrance Exam – Vietnamese Literature,” VNU Publishing House (2021)

– Chief author “Review for the High School Graduation Exam in Social Sciences,” VNU Publishing House (2021)

– Co-chief author “Developing Vietnamese Thinking for Grade 5 Students,” Dan Tri Publishing House (2021)

– Chief author “35 High-Quality Practice Questions for the Grade 6 Vietnamese Entrance Exam,” Dan Tri Publishing House (2021)

– Co-chief author “Practice Developing Vietnamese Language Competence 6 (According to the program Practice Developing Vietnamese Language Competence 6 (According to the new 2018 GDPT program),” VNU Publishing House (2021)

– Co-chief author “Practice Developing Vietnamese Language Competence 7 (According to the new 2018 GDPT program),” VNU Publishing House (2022)

– Chief author “Reading Comprehension Materials (For Students 10, 11, 12 – According to the new 2018 GDPT program),” VNU Publishing House (2022)

– Chief author “Practice Developing Reading Comprehension and Writing Skills (For Students 10, 11, 12 – According to the new 2018 GDPT program),” VNU Publishing House (2022)

– Chief author “Grade 11 Vietnamese Reading Comprehension Exercises,” Volume 1, Hue University Publishing House (2023)

– Chief author “Key Knowledge and Review Questions for Vietnamese Literature (for the High School Graduation Exam and University Entrance Exam),” VNU Publishing House (2023)

– Chief author “Practice Developing Vietnamese Language Competence 8,” VNU Publishing House (2023)