Dr. Nghiem Thi Bich Diep – The Faculty of English

1.Academic background

Dr. Nghiem Thi Bich Diep is currently a lecturer in The Faculty of English. She is responsible for teaching English courses at levels B1,B2,C1, Presentation Skills, Reading Skills for 10th grade FLSS ( Foreign Language Specialized School) and Writing Skills for 11th grade FLSS . Dr. Nghiem Thi Bich Diep began teaching in 2001. In 2007, she obtained a Master’s degree in Theory and Methods of Teaching English from ULIS – VNU. In 2017, she successfully defended her doctoral dissertation and received a PhD in Comparative linguistics from the  GASS – VASS ( Graduate Academy of Social Sciences – Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences).


Tel: 0945496841

Email: diepquantaymo@yahoo.com ; diepntb1979@vnu.edu.vn

3.Research Interest

Linguistics, ELT ( English Language Teaching).

4.Research Grants & Major Publications

(1) Comparative analysis of Vietnamese and English proverbs about love, marriage, and family ; (2) Peer-teaching in classrooms ; (3) Autonomy in English language learning for specialized classes.