Dr. Nguyen Thi Hong Nhung – Faculty of English Language Teacher Education

1.Academic background

Dr. Nguyen Thi Hong Nhung is currently working at the Faculty of English Language Teacher Education. In 2009, she earned her Master’s degree at Victoria University, Australia. She obtained her doctorate degree from Massey University, New Zealand, in 2018.


Phone: 0912422510

Email: nhung.nguyenhong@yahoo.com.vn

VNU email: nhungcie@vnu.edu.vn

3.Research Interest

Internationalization of education and English language teacher education

4.Research Grants & Major Publications

Nguyen Thi Hong Nhung: Impact of Domestic Factors on Perceptions of Internationalization at a Public University in Vietnam; SSRN Elsevier; 16/06/2021; independent author; Anh Ngoc Trinh, Nhung Hong Thi Nguyen & Anh Lan Thi Tran, Internationalization of the Curriculum at Home in Vietnam: Insights from the Program of English Language Studies at a Vietnamese university; Symposium on Internationalisation and Quality Management in Higher Education 2023; Lingnan University Hongkong; 09/05/2023; member


https://drive.google.com/open?id=1EyB4hDfXc4rQgTKl3xha_DOVhFKWM0JB , https://drive.google.com/open?id=1UtT9PvH6gxS4X6dOb4O4WchrvmlJTm-0, https://drive.google.com/open?id=1XbsKNOVetPDAFhvPm_re9cA__R4AvOHo