Dr. Nguyen Thi Minh Tam – Faculty of Linguistics and Culture of English-Speaking Countries

  1. Academic background

Dr. Nguyen Thi Minh Tam is currently a lecturer at the Faculty of Linguistics and Culture of English-Speaking Countries. She has been teaching the following subjects since 2004: English Linguistics, English Application, English Semantics, Global English, Functional Grammar, Discourse Analysis. She earned a master’s degree in English in 2008 in Vietnam and successfully defended her doctoral thesis in Applied Linguistics in 2013.

  1. Contact

Tel: 0989669422

Email: minhtambb@gmail.com ; tamntm1982@vnu.edu.vn

  1. Research Interest

Systemic Functional Linguistics, English Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, World Englishes

  1. Research Grants & Major Publications

Systemic Functional Linguistics and its application to the analysis of cultural and media products