Dr. Nguyen Viet Quang– Faculty of French Language & Culture

  1. Academic background

Dr. Nguyen Viet Quang is currently a lecturer at the Faculty of French Language & Culture. He successfully defended her doctoral thesis in French Theory and Teaching in 2014 at the University of Languages and International Studies.

2. Contact

Tel: 0971639898

Email:  nvquang74@yahoo.fr ; quangnv1974@vnu.edu.vn

3. Research Interest

Analysis of educational discourse

4. Research Grants & Major Publications

  • Vers une didactique des stéréotypes langagiers français en contexte vietnamien, Hanoi National University Publishing House, 2021, Co-author.
  • Eléments grammaticaux et communicatifs du francais, Hanoi National University Publishing House, 2024, Co-author.
  • French 3, Hanoi National University Publishing House, 2023, Co-author.
  • French 4, Hanoi National University Publishing House, 2024, Co-author.