Dr. Trinh Thanh Ha – Faculty of Chinese Language and Culture

1.Academic background

Dr. Trinh Thanh Ha is currently a lecturer at the Faculty of Chinese Language and Culture. She is currently in charge of teaching Linguistics 2 and Intercultural Communication Courses. Dr. Trinh Thanh Ha has been teaching at the university since 2012. She graduated with a master’s degree in Linguistics and applied linguistics in 2007 from Beijing Language and Culture University, China, earned a doctorate in Linguistics and applied linguistics in 2010 at Beijing Language and Culture University, China.


Tel: 0983796998

Email: thanhhachina@gmail.com ; hatt1978@vnu.edu.vn

3.Research Interest

Grammar, language comparison, intercultural communication

4.Research Grants & Major Publications

Trinh Thanh Ha, 汉越称呼语的泛化现象对比——以“美女” 和“beauty”为例,国际汉语学报,厦门大学出版社,2017/12/31, author pseudo-independence
