Exchange meeting among students of ULIS and THAMMASAT University

On January 19th, 2017, ULIS-VNU held an exchange meeting among students of ULIS and Thammasat University (Thailand).

The meeting was attended by Dr. Bui Dinh Thang – Vice-Director of Cooperation & Development Office, M.A. Nguyen Huyen Trang – Vice-Director of Politics and Student Affairs Office, the staff of Cooperation and Development Office, Youth Union and representatives of Thai lecturers.

Making a speech in the meeting, Mr. Thang thanked Thammasat University for visiting ULIS. In the integration trend with the tendency of actively cooperating with international educational institutions, ULIS attached great importance to the relationship with Thammasat University and hoped that the relationship would be increasingly expanded, especially in student exchange programs, short-term training courses, etc. He also hoped that students of Thammasat University would gain interesting and unforgettable experiences from the visit to ULIS as well as to Vietnam.
On behalf of Thammasat University, Assoc. Prof. Dr Pariya Na Nakhon appreciated the warm welcome of ULIS. Ms Nakhon believed that the meeting certainly strengthened the relationship between the two universities as well as gave students of Thammsamat memorable experiences of Vietnam.
Afterwards, the exchange among students from the two universities took place with the opening game called “Betty boop”, livening up the whole hall.
Next, the presentation of: “ASEAN and job opportunities” was made by Ms Nakhon.Due to its information presented in an accessible way with persuasive arguments, the presentation drew great attention of students in the hall.

After that, students of the two universities were divided into groups to express their opinions about the topic of the presentation.
The meeting ended with performances of students from the two universities. ULIS’s students impressed Thai ones by singing the song “Hello Vietnam” with guitar and dancing “A glimpse of the country”.
Meanwhile, students of Thammasat University performed an interesting ethnic dance.
The exchange meeting was successfully held with many memories left in the mind of students of the two universities.
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