Exploring the “promised land” of ULIS with Chinese international student

ULIS-VNU is known as the “promised land” – the place where dreams come true. That has been further proven through the memorable 4-year journey of foreign students here. With love for the country of the “rising sun”, Liang Jing Chen, a Chinese international student of class 23J9, chose ULIS and the Faculty of Japanese Language and Culture to become the destination for her youthful years.

Far from home, far from family and coming to the remote “knowledge sky” in Vietnam, how does she feel? Let’s follow ULIS and chat with Liang Jing Chen!

What was the fate that made you know about ULIS and decide to study at ULIS? 

Indeed, my relationship with ULIS was not the childhood dream of the carefree girl back then, but it was in my life plan starting from high school. I want to freely conquer, expand, contemplate and experience the path of study not only in China but also abroad. Therefore, I made the decision to change my life at the age of 18, becoming an international student in Vietnam. 

After deciding to study abroad in Vietnam at the age of 18, I immediately searched for information about potential language training universities. From there, I learned about ULIS with its reputation as one of the leading language teaching and training universities in Vietnam. Not only that, my school is also known for its young and enthusiastic teaching staff, and I thought: “Surely they will be able to help me a lot during my four years studying here.” 

Can you share your reason for choosing to major in Japanese Language at ULIS?  

As a loyal fan of anime movies and the beauty of “Land of Cherry Blossoms”, I immediately chose Japanese to pursue on my next journey without hesitation. I also learned that the Japanese language major at ULIS has been training since the first days of the school’s establishment, so I was very confident in the job orientation and work opportunities that the industry would provide for me.  

How do you feel about Vietnamese people, teachers and friends at school? 

After arriving in Vietnam, I found that not only are there many beautiful landscapes, but the people are also very friendly and hospitable. At the begining, because I was far away from my hometown, I had many concerns. As a foreigner, coming to a new and different environment, I am extremely worried that the language gap would become a communication barrier with teachers, friends at school, and Vietnamese people around me. But with the personality of being an open-minded person who likes to experience, easily adapts to new environments, especially with the help, sharing, care of teachers and the enthusiastic support and friendliness of friends I “broke the ice” of all obstacles. That touched me very much, because thanks to these wonderful people, I am no longer lost and sad because of life away from family. I now feel ULIS is like home! 

Furthermore, the school’s facilities are also modern, comfortable, fully providing students with study. One of my favorite places at school is ULIS Homies – a place to avoid the heat in Hanoi’s summer with a serious and stressful learning atmosphere among the students that also makes me study hard right away. 

After nearly 1 year of studying at ULIS, what impresses you most about this place?

For me, perhaps ULIS’s learning environment is what impresses me the most. The teachers in the department always create the best possible conditions for students to both learn. My peers in Vietnam are also very talented, hardworking and enthusiastic. 

In particular, the department we study also organizes collective activities for our students. Participating in programs and competitions such as “ULIS Fire Day 2024”, “ULIS Japan Day 2024”, “FJLC’S Got Talent”, “Japan Prism 2023”,… I gain more knowledge about the field I study, Interacting with extremely lovely, youthful teachers and Vietnamese students makes me much more active and open. 

In your opinion, how will studying at ULIS help you on your career path ahead? 

I came here with excitement and love for Japanese, but ULIS gave me more than that. At ULIS, I learned more knowledge not only about Japanese culture and language but also improved my Vietnamese language skills. I practice multilingual communication skills such as Vietnamese, Chinese, English, Japanese,…, as well as hone thinking and teamwork skills. 

Do you have any plans outlined for the near future?

Sure I have. I have been trying my best to receive the N1 Japanese certificate as soon as possible. Because I know, when I hold this certificate in my hand, more opportunities will open up for me in my future work. Although there will still be difficulties in the process, I believe that if I try, I will be able to do it. 

The first time studying and living in a new city, a new country, especially with teachers and friends at ULIS, will surely be one of her memorable experiences. Wishing Liang Jing Chen will study well and bring brilliant achievements, enrolling her name on the “golden achievement board” of ULIS.