Thanks and farewell to international experts
The meeting to express thanks and bid farewell to international experts took place on June 5th, 2019 at Block A1 in the campus of ULIS.

The intent of the meeting is to recap achievements and contributions of foreign professors during their course of teaching and working at the University, its Faculties and the Cooperation & Development Office in particular. This meeting also served as a farewell since the professors had finished their working term at ULIS and would be departing soon.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ngo Minh Thuy (Vice President)
Dr. Tran Thi Minh Phuong (Vice Dean of the Faculty of Japanese Language & Culture)
Dr. Nguyen Dinh Hien (Vice Dean of the Faculty of Chinese Language & Culture
Mrs. Hoang Thi Thanh Binh (Head of the Division of German Language & Culture)
Ms. Vu Nhat Minh and Mr. Luu Manh Kien (Specialists of the Cooperation and Development Office)
Foreign Experts:
Ms. Dorte Lutvogt (Germany, 5 years at ULIS)
Ms. Kurachi Ayaka (Japan, 2 years at ULIS)
Ms. Kimura Sayako (Japan, 1 year at ULIS)
Mr. Yue Fengkai (China, 1 year at ULIS)
Mr. Marco Bistacchia (Italy, 1 year at ULIS)
Ms. Monica Barreira (Spain, 1 term at ULIS
At the meeting, Vice President Ngo Minh Thuy gave a speech of high appreciation to all foreign experts for their dedication and enthusiasm to their work and the University. Following the speech, each individual teacher representing his or her language faculty expressed their thanks to the experts and wished them good luck on future career path.

All 6 foreign experts also shared their amazing experience and expressed their gratitude towards the staff and students during their stay at ULIS.

At the end of the meeting, Vice President Ngo Minh Thuy on behalf of the University presented a gift of gratitude to each foreign expert, ending the meeting in a beautiful atmosphere.

Hoa Anh/ULIS Media