Hosei Cup Japanese Speech Contest Final 2023: Your ideal school

On November 25th, 2023, ULIS-VNU and Hosei University (Japan) jointly organized the final of the 9th Hosei Cup Japanese Speech Contest under the theme ” Your ideal school”. Student Ngo Vinh Ngoc from ULIS secured first prize.

The final opened with the opening speech of Hosei University Vice President Koakimoto Dan. Extending his thanks to ULIS and accompanying units, he wished to learn more about education, as well as the aspirations of students in Vietnam.

On behalf of ULIS, Vice President Hoa Ngoc Son expressed his joy at welcoming teachers from Hosei University again after 3 years of the pandemic. He said: “The contest is truly a useful and meaningful playground for Japanese learners in Vietnam.”

In the final round, the contestants demonstrated their oratorical talents through a 5-minute presentation and answered questions from the jury. Scoring criteria include: Content, Japanese language ability, eloquence and question answering.

The contestant who won the first prize in the high school group and the contestants who won the first and second prizes in the university group at the final round of the Hosei Cup 2023 Japanese Speech Contest will be sponsored a trip to Japan. In addition, all contestants were presented certificates of participation, along with souvenirs.