International Scientific Conference ” Multilingual Teaching and Learning in the national education system of ASEAN Countries”

On September 22nd, 2017, the University of Languages and International Studies – Vietnam National University, Hanoi (ULIS – VNU) in collaboration with the National Foreign Language Project 2020 held an international conference “Multilingual teaching and learning in the national education system of ASEAN countries”.

The conference was attended by Dr. Do Tuan Minh – ULIS’s President; Assoc. Prof. Ngo Minh Thuy – ULIS’s Vice President; Dr. Nguyen To Chung – Head of Executive Board of pilot Korean teaching, Deputy Head of Management Board of National Foreign Language Project 2020 and over 70 delegates, who are home and overseas teachers and researchers of foreign languages.

Making the opening speech, Dr. Do Tuan Minh stated that the International Conference on “Multilingual teaching and learning national education system of ASEAN countries” (ASEAN FLE) was organized for the purpose of sharing experiences in teaching and learning of different foreign languages in the national education system of ASEAN countries, related policies, how to assess the competence of foreign languages to ensure quality and compatibility with national standards, facilitating the recognition of foreign language proficiency for the labor force to travel among countries within the ASEAN community and related countries. The Conference also helped researchers and lecturers teaching foreign languages in Vietnam, ASEAN member countries and other countries to learn from one another, enhance their understandings and exchange academic knowledge in general. The President would like to also extend his thanks to the participants and hoped that the Conference would offer a good experience to the teachers.

Dr. Nguyen To Chung highly appreciated the purpose of the Conference and claimed that this was an open platform for scientists to continue discussing and sharing valuable knowledge about important issues of current language education. This Conference is the basis for the Management Board of National Foreign Language Project 2020 to help the government supplement and complete the mechanism and policies on teaching and learning foreign languages in the national education of Vietnam, meeting the learning demand and especially reinforcing the competitiveness of Vietnamese human resources in the context of globalization.

Reports of many scholars from some ASEAN countries including Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand and Philippines have been sent to ASEAN FLE Conference. The topic of the conference has been approached, described, analyzed and discussed in multiple aspects.

The one-day Conference was divided into 4 sessions with 16 reports. Basically, reports presented in the Conference belong to 5 thematic topics: Research for identity of Asian English lecturers and challenges as well as advantages of non-native English teachers. The purpose of these researches is to promote cooperative relationship in English and foreign language teaching between Asian countries in the context of global cultural exchange and multilingualism in foreign language teaching; identify basic characteristics of foreign language education policy in EU countries, Japan, China, USA and Canada to make useful recommendations for foreign language policy in ASEAN countries, including Vietnam; analyze the multilingual status, including “domestic language” and “foreign language” in some ethnic minority communities such as Thai in Vietnam in order to provide necessary policy recommendations in the context of regional and international integration, analyze the practice of teaching foreign languages including English and Chinese at all levels, from primary to higher education in ASEAN and create a foreign language learning community as well as improve teacher professional development.

The reports were presented scientifically, providing much information through specific evidence. In addition, the Conference also included discussions for academic exchange between delegates.

The International Scientific Conference “Multilingual teaching and learning in the national education system in ASEAN countries” successfully ended with positive feedback from delegates.
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