Laotian language training course held for drug enforcement police

On November 1st, 2021, ULIS-VNU coordinated with the Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam to organize the opening ceremony of Laotian language training course for police force specialized in investigating drug-related crimes.

Delivering his speech at the ceremony, President Do Tuan Minh confirmed ULIS honor and pride to co-organize this course.

On behalf of the Ministry of Public Security, Colonel Phan Van My – Deputy Director of the Training Department said that the training course was organized to improve Laotian language proficiency for drug enforcement police force, with

The course had 106 students who are officers of the local police units.

Lasting from 4 to 5 months in a hybrid format (online+offline), the course aims to improve participants’ language proficiency and use of the Laotian language in communication and information exchange.