Vietnamese Language and Culture course for JCFL students in 2018 launched

30 Japanese students participating in the course this time are expected to have a lot of fun and meaningful experiences during the time in Vietnam.

On November 5th, 2018, ULIS-VNU held an opening ceremony of the Vietnamese Language and Culture course for students of the Japan College of Foreign Language (JCFL).

Attending the ceremony were Vice President Ngo Minh Thuy, representatives of ULIS’s units, leaders and experts of the Faculty of Language Education & Professional Development, lecturers, and students.

Particularly, there were two experts of JCFL, Sugie Miho and Tsuchida Naoko as well as 30 students attended the event.

Delivering her speech at the ceremony, Vice President Ngo Minh Thuy greeted two experts and 30 students of the Japan College of Foreign Languages.

This year’s program is the third and the largest number of JCFL students to date.

The Vice President expected that JCFL students would make the best out of their 15 days in Vietnam and thank them for their participation in the program.

Representing the Japanese Language College, Ms. Sugie Miho thanked ULIS for its thoughtful reception. The training course on Vietnamese language and culture was initiated by JCFL chair President Ise Yoji and the President of ULIS’s. She hoped the students of course would have a lot of fun and meaningful experiences during the time in Vietnam.

Some other photos of the ceremony:

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