Opening ceremony of 2nd course on “Fostering knowledge on university administration”

In order to develop university administration capacity for administrators to meet the requirements of current educational innovation, on Ferbruary 19th, 2024, ULIS-VNU held the Opening Ceremony of the 2nd course on “Fostering knowledge about university administration”.

At the ceremony, President Nguyen Xuan Long hoped that the teachers could actively apply the knowledge and skills gained from the course into their practical work.

Delivering his speech at the ceremony, ULIS School Council Chairman Do Tuan Minh said that the training course was built on practicality with the presenters being ULIS teachers with extensive professional experience. Therefore, the program would definitely provide in-depth and necessary content for the work of participating teachers.

At the first training session, Dr. Le Thi Huyen Trang, Deputy Director of the Quality Assurance Center introduced the set of standards “Guide AUN-QA Assessment at Institutional Level” Version 3.0 (2023) issued on July 12th, 2023, including 15 standards and 60 criteria in 3 areas: Strategy – System – Results.