Opening ceremony of the first Korean language course (MA) in Vietnam

In 2018, there are 13 students admitted to study this course. Amongst these students, there are 2 students from Da Nang University and 3 students from Vietnam Samsung Electro-Mechanics Company.

On October 24th, 2018, as an activity of the international science Conference under the theme “new step in teaching Korean language and culture in Vietnam”, the first Korean language course (MA) was launched at ULIS-VNU.

The opening ceremony was attended by ULIS’s President Do Tuan Minh, Vice President Lam Quang Dong, representatives of ULIS’s units, post graduate students, and other students.

Also, Mr. Woo Hyoung Min, Korea Foundation’s representative director in Vietnam; Prof. Dr. Mai Ngoc Chu, President of Korean science research Association in Vietnam; Prof. Dr. Le Quang Thiem, President of Vietnam Language studies Association; representatives from foreign and local universities; and many others participated in the event.

In 2018, there are 13 students admitted to study this course. Amongst these students, there are 2 students from Da Nang University and 3 students from Vietnam Samsung Electro-Mechanics Company.

Extending his congratulations towards the students, Dean of the Faculty of graduate studies Huynh Anh Tuan said: “the program has 16 to 18 disciplines, 65 modules and lasts about 24 months. All of the lecturers involved in teaching are well-qualified, reliable and work in top universities in Vietnam and Korea. I congratulate all of you as you have become a part of ULIS, I hope you well and hope to see you conducting the course with a studious attitude so as to gain as much knowledge as you possibly can and find a way to apply that knowledge to your future work.”

On behalf of the students, Hoang Huong Tra shared that after finishing her undergraduate program in Korean language, she worked at a Korean company in Vietnam. During the time there, she felt that her Korean proficiency was still not good enough, so she was eager to learn and understand more about such language.

“Can’t afford to study abroad, I was so delighted to know that ULIS had launched this program” she says.

 The launch of this Korean language course (MA) marks a significant point on the history of ULIS as ULIS is the first institution running this program in Vietnam.

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