Opening of Vietnamese Language and Cultural Experience Course for Students of University of Wisconsin–Madison and American Councils

On August 27th, 2024, ULIS-VNU held the Opening Ceremony of the Vietnamese Language and Cultural Experience Course for students of the University of Wisconsin–Madison and the American Councils (USA) in 2024.

After the signing ceremony of the cooperation agreement between ULIS ​​and the University of Wisconsin–Madison and the American Councils on February 29th, 2024, many meetings and exchanges between the three parties have taken place in the past time. After studying and taking Vietnamese proficiency tests in the United States, the 5 best students were selected to participate in the Vietnamese language course and cultural experience at ULIS.

In his opening speech, Vice President Lam Quang Dong hoped that the course would bring interesting and useful experiences about Vietnamese culture to international students.

Also at the ceremony, Dr. Tran Huu Tri – Head of the Department of Vietnamese Language ​​and Culture hoped that the course would promote a deep understanding of Vietnamese culture for students through learning activities and practical cultural experiences at famous landmarks in Vietnam.

In response, Program Director of the American Councils Carl Jaramillo expressed his joy and expectation in collaborating with the two schools to organize this meaningful course.

The course will end in December.