President Do Tuan Minh met and discussed with the students about the Project “Learning through experiences”

The President answered in full details the questions raised by the students, including issues such as the fields of the internship, the duration of the internship, the location of the internship, how to prove your internships, etc.

On December 5th, 2018, ULIS ​​- VNU held a meeting between President Do Tuan Minh and students of QH.2016 intake to discuss the Project “Renovation of practice and internship, and development of supplementary skills for students”(Learning through experiences).

The President was joined by leaders and members of the Politics and student Affairs Office, representatives of other units, and especially the participation of students of the QH.2016 intake.

At the beginning of the meeting, President Do Tuan Minh shared with the students that: “Today’s meeting is held to create opportunities for students to interact, learn, ask questions, and have direct dialogues with the President”

Throughout the meeting, all the students felt close and intimate from the President. From that intimacy, the students boldly raised a lot of questions related to the Project “Renovation of practice and internship, and development of supplementary skills for students”(Learning through experiences).

There are totally 10 meeting sessions like this held in a schedule of 2 to 3 weeks.

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