President Do Tuan Minh: “We are proud to have you here”

That is the message that President Do Tuan Minh expressed to the QH2019.F1 students at the plenary meeting at Nguyen Van Dao hall on August 18th, 2019 during the Orientation Week of the 2019-2020 academic year.

The President was joined by Director of the Academic Affairs Office Ha Le Kim Anh; Director of the Politics & Student Affairs Office Vu Van Hai, Deputy Director of the Office Nguyen Van Doan; representatives of other departments; Director of the Institute of Culture and Development – Ho Chi Minh National Political Academy Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Toan Thang and numerous K53 freshmen.

At the opening of the meeting, the Director of the Institute of Culture and Development – Ho Chi Minh National Political Academy Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Toan Thang gave a lecture on youths and students studying and following Ho Chi Minh’s thoughts, morals and styles for tomorrow’s career, construction and sustainable development of the country.

After that, Mr. Nguyen Viet Hoa – a specialist of the Academic Affairs Office shared about the general learning outcomes of their undergraduate programs, and specific learning outcomes expected in different  courses, including second foreign language proficiency standards and other issues for K53 freshmen.

During his speech at the meeting, President Do Tuan Minh shared, “we feel extremely proud to have you as new students at ULIS. We admire you all for your excellent results in the 2019 high school examination”. He instructed new students to set clear objectives in their life, respect and  keep developing themselves so that one year later their love for ULIS will double as ULIS is the place to be.