Professor Bill Grabe and Fredricka Stoller (USA) presented ULIS Applied Linguistics Journals

On July 28th, 2020, ULIS – VNU received scientific journals on applied linguistics from Professors Bill Grabe and Fredricka Stoller (USA). Representative of the US Embassy in Vietnam, Ms. Paula Kitendaugh – Regional Director of American Spaces in Vietnam attended and presented the journals to the University.

At the beginning of the meeting, Vice President Lam Quang Dong on behalf of ULIS thanked Professors Bill Grabe and Fredricka Stoller for sending valuable resources to ULIS as well as the US Embassy in Vietnam for handing over the aforementioned resources.

Ms. Paula Kitendaugh on this occasion expressed her desire to support the faculty and students of the University when participating in activities held in the American Spaces as well as accessing resources in this Space.

Representatives of the US Embassy later visited the University’s facilities, and expressed their admiration for the University’s investment and interest in the spiritual life of staff and lecturers.