Seminar on “Sharing fieldwork experiences”
On April 12th, 2019, ULIS-VNU held a seminar on ‘sharing fieldwork experience’ to introduce the knowledge of the “efficiency-oriented thinking” training course to promote and strengthen skills on startups and innovation for students. This training course is part of VIBE project and co-organized by VNU and Creative Academy, University of Dublin, Ireland.

The seminar was attended by Ms. Dao Thi Dieu Linh (Division of Educational Psychology) and Ms. Le Thi Hong Duyen (Faculty of English Language Teacher Education), the 2 speakers, who had participated in the 2nd course and just completed their field trip in Ireland on March 10th – 22nd, 2019, and more than 20 faculty and staff.

During the seminar, the two speakers introduced the course and shared their experience while in Ireland, including information on how to register, how to prepare, how to experience properly, amongst others.

The two teachers assessed the large amount of benefit when participating in the course. English proficiency does not matter in the course. Therefore, the course welcomes participants of all background within the University.