Summary of ULIS Success Course 2024

On August 30th, 2024, at Homies A2 and Hoa Lac, ULIS – VNU organized the ULIS Success Course Summary Program 2024 and the “Shining ULISers’ Courage” Contest 2024 to summarize the journey of the Course and the Contest, creating an opportunity to connect between parents, new students, teachers and the School.

In her opening speech, Vice President Ha Le Kim Anh extended her greetings to the parents and the Top 20 of the ULISers 2024 Shining Courage Contest. She also congratulated them for trying their best to achieve high results.

Through the ULISer’s Shining Talent Contest with more than 400 entries, the School also found the Top 20 excellent candidates, which are also 20 convincing and attractive future projects.

Following the program, the students and their parents participated in a networking experience for parents, students and teachers; a tour of Hanoi National University and the Center for National Defense and Security Education in Hoa Lac.