Tag Archives: reseacher

Dr. Nguyen Thu Hien- Faculty of English Language Teacher Education

Academic background Dr. Nguyen Thu Hien is currently a lecturer at the Faculty of English Language Teaching. She successfully defended her doctoral thesis in the Foreign Language Education in 2016 at the University of Wollongong, Australia. 2. Contact Tel: 0963261175 Email:  nguyenthuhienhnu@gmail.com ; thuhien@vnu.edu.vn 3.

Dr. Nguyen Viet Quang– Faculty of French Language & Culture

Academic background Dr. Nguyen Viet Quang is currently a lecturer at the Faculty of French Language & Culture. He successfully defended her doctoral thesis in French Theory and Teaching in 2014 at the University of Languages and International Studies. 2. Contact Tel: 0971639898 Email:  nvquang74@yahoo.fr

Dr. Nguyen Xuan Long– President

Academic background Dr. Nguyen Xuan Long is currently President of ULIS-VNU. He successfully defended his doctoral thesis in Psychology in 2012  at the Graduate Academy of Social Sciences, Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences. 2. Contact Tel: 0977707777 Email: xlongtlh@gmail.com ; longnx@vnu.edu.vn 3. Research Interest Students’

Dr. Luu Thi Kim Anh – Faculty of French Language and Culture

1.Academic background Luu Thi Kim Anh is currently working at the Faculty of French Language and Culture. She obtained her Doctorate degree in Linguistics from the University of Lyon in France in 2017.   Contact Tel: 0933260806 Email: ltkimanh2103@yahoo.fr VNU mail: anhltk@vnu.edu.vn   Research Interest:

Dr. Luu Manh Kien – Cooperation & Development Office

1.Academic background He is currently working at the Cooperation & Development Office. He obtained his Doctorate degree in Physics from Osaka University in Japan in 2015. Contact Tel: 0869031128 Email: kienlm86@gmail.com VNU email: kienlm@vnu.edu.vn Research Interest: N/A Research Grants & Major Publications: N/A

Dr. Le Xuan Khai – Faculty of Chinese Language and Culture

1.Academic background Dr. Le Xuan Khai is currently working in the Faculty of Chinese Language and Culture. He received his Doctorate degree from National Taiwan Normal University in 2016 in the field of Chinese Linguistics and Culture. Contact Tel: 0961285558 Email: khaiccn@gmail.com VNU mail: khailx@vnu.edu.vn