The quality of building Party in cells actively developed
On February 26th, 2019, ULIS – VNU organized the Conference of Party cells’ secretariat with the participation of the Party Committee’s members, secretaries of Party cells and heads of departments.

Addressing at the conference, Dr. Do Tuan Minh, the Secretary of ULIS Party Committee, said that it had been 4 years since the conference of ULIS Party Committee, intake 18 (2015 – 2020). Over the past 4 years, the Party Committee had gained many important achievements. Today conference was an opportunity to summarize results of implementing the Resolution of the Party Committee, intake 18, assess the institutional Party development and make contributions to improving the quality of Party Cells’ activities and the institutional Party development.
On behalf of the institutional Party Executive Committee, Ms. Ngo Minh Thuy, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, presented the results of implementing the Resolution of the Party Executive Committee, intake 18 (2015-2020), from June 2015 to December 31st, 2018.

The report shows that the Party Committee has achieved many important results. Some targets have been surpassed such as targets for training in the university, the Foreign Language Specialized School (FLSS) and fast track programs. Some results have been significantly completed such as the launch of Korean language teacher education course and master programs in Korean language, 100% of graduates achieved the standard of foreign language proficiency, AUN’s assessment of English language fast track programs, national assessment of FLSS, 100% of students of FLSS was admitted to universities, development of 2 research groups on Chinese tests and studies, deployment of softwares to serve foreign languages education, etc.

Some targets are still being determinedly implemented by ULIS such as: increase of the number of scientific journals and reports, sufficient enrollment of postgraduate students, increase of the rate of lecturers qualified as PhD / associate professor / professor, etc.
According to the report on the admission of Party members of Duong Quynh Hoa, ULIS Party Committee had 343 Party members (317 officials, 26 students) by the end of 2018. From June, 2015 to the end of December 31st, 2018, the University’s Party Committee admitted 121 Party members (32 officials, 89 students), reached 67.2% of the target under the Resolution (180 new Party members). In 2019, the Party cells are expected to enroll 32 Party members and appoint 63 officials to attend the Party sympathy and Party development class. According to the plan of VNU Party Committee, a training course on political theories for the elite will be set up in April, 2019. The Party Committee’s office will notify Party cells when having the official plan. The draft guidelines for some contents on improving the quality of activities of Party cells of the University’s Party Committee were also disseminated to the participants at the conference. Requirements, preparation work and steps of Party cells’ activities, contents of activities were specified in the guidelines.

The conference thoroughly grasped Directive No. 28-CT/TW of the Secretariat Committee on improving the quality of Party membership and reviewing, screening and excluding Party members who are no longer eligible from the Party. The Resolution noted that since the establishment of the Party, especially in recent years, the number of newly admitted Party members has increased rapidly, the educational level of newly admitted members has been enhanced also. In order to improve the quality of Party members and Party members admission and build a strong, honest Party, the Secretariat Committee asked the Party committees and Party organizations to concentrate on efficiently performing a few following tasks: raise awareness, fully and deeply grasp the importance of the task of building a Party member team which is truly pioneering, exemplary, close-knit to the people and has high responsibility in work; regulate the work of recruiting Party members, strictly emphasizing the quality-oriented trend instead of quantity-oriented trend; Strengthen the management and education of Party members; Strictly review and screen Party members; Resolutely and promptly exclude the members who are no longer eligible from the Party; etc.

In the final part of the conference, all members discussed and assessed the targets of 18th Resolution of the University’s Executive Committee. They both presented the benefits and obstacles of building Party and came up with many ideas to promote the quality of building Party in all Party cells.

When finishing the conference, the Secretary of Party Committee Do Tuan Minh stated that the University’s Party Committee had to be determined to attain all the goals of the Resolution of the University’s 18th Party Executive Committee. In addition, ULIS Party Committee also needs to guide Cells to carry out Party’s activities correctly, actively excavate potential candidates to become party members and concretize plans of improving the quality of party members in Party Cells. Enhancing quality of building Party in Party Cells has to be taken priority over other things.
The earliest class of nurturing political theories is anticipated to take place in the next April.