Tiet Khiet Dinh – From the word “fate” to an unforgettable study abroad journey at ULIS

After nearly 70 years of construction and development, ULIS-VNU has become the country’s leading foreign language training center. That’s why, from a student who never intended to study abroad, Tiet Khiet Dinh (21 years old, from China) decided to choose ULIS as a place to spend her student youth. Join ULIS Media to listen to Khiet Dinh’s sharing about her opportunity to come to ULIS and her deep impression of the people and academic life here!

Please share a little about the path that led you to come and study at ULIS?

Previously, I never had any intention of going abroad or studying in another country. I learned about ULIS because of a “fate” because by chance, I learned that my school in China cooperated with ULIS. Through research, I learned that the school is a member of VNU, which has a long teaching history and top training quality in Vietnam. I was very excited and decided to come here to learn Vietnamese.

And since September last year, my relationship with ULIS has ​​officially began. At ULIS, I participated in many exchange activities organized by the school and met many valuable friends. It seems that through each activity I get to experience and learn many new things. The activities have helped me integrate more and bond with the people here.

What do you feel about the learning conditions, facilities and people at ULIS?

Before coming to study in Vietnam, I was quite worried about the dormitory issue. I don’t know if the living regime or curfew here is any different from China, and whether the facilities here can meet the needs of students or not. After coming here and experiencing it, it is no longer a concern for me. The facilities are very comfortable, and the dormitory environment also meets the basic needs of students. I hope that the dormitory here will soon be upgraded and become more perfect.

Regarding learning conditions, I was really surprised with the learning conditions at ULIS. The school creates favorable conditions for students to learn through many classroom and extracurricular activities. For example, ULIS Fire Day activities or diverse clubs for students to choose from. It was truly a very interesting and memorable experience while studying here. 

After a period of studying, my general impression of Vietnamese people is that they are very enthusiastic, kind and friendly. The students here are very nice, they don’t hesitate to help me when I have difficulty learning Vietnamese. Thanks to that, my Vietnamese has now improved a lot more than before. Teachers here are always willing to listen to all students’ thoughts and wishes. This makes me feel comfortable and not afraid to express myself in the learning environment. In particular, in my class there are many people from other countries, so I have the opportunity to get to know and interact a lot with other interesting cultures. I feel very happy.

What impresses you most about ULIS?

There are many things at ULIS that impress me, but perhaps I am most impressed with the activities organized by the Faculty of Chinese Language and Culture, which clearly portrayed Chinese culture such as calligraphy writing competitions, parallel sentence writing and envelope making, etc. Seeing our country’s culture loved by the students here and learning about it makes me feel very happy and excited.

Can you reveal your plans for the near future after completing your studies at ULIS? 

In the immediate future, I will try to complete the course well then graduate and return to my country. From the knowledge and skills I have acquired at ULIS, I believe I can pass the exam with the score I want and find the job I want.