Training conference on recognition of meeting standards for title of Professor and Associate Professor in 2024

On August 26th, 2024, ULIS-VNU coordinated with the Office of the State Council of Professors to organize a training conference on the recognition of meeting the standards for the title of Professor and Associate Professor in 2024 of the State Council of Professors.

Opening the conference, Chairman of the ULIS council Do Tuan Minh hoped that the training session would provide a lot of useful knowledge for the participating teachers.

At the conference, Chief of the State Professor Office Tran Tuan Anh presented some information on the work of considering and recognizing the standards for the titles of Professor and Associate Professor in 2024 and the basis for considering the standards for the titles of Professor and Associate Professor.

Following the conference was a discussion session with many issues in many fields raised by professors and associate professors across the country in their practical work and solutions proposed to solve those difficulties.