Ly Tru Mai (22 years old) – A Chinese international student is currently studying the Vietnamese training program for international students at ULIS-VNU. Having intended to only spend time studying in China due to limited conditions, the young girl with a passion for learning about Vietnamese language and culture decided to study abroad in Vietnam to realize her dream. 

Can you share what path led you to ULIS?

Before entering university, I never thought about studying abroad. In the past, I just wanted to focus on finishing my bachelor’s degree program in China, but those thoughts changed when I accidentally learned about ULIS and the program for international students here. Having a special love for Vietnamese, I began to learn more about ULIS ​​and learned that this was a great environment for me to further improve my Vietnamese language. Perhaps my relationship with ULIS started from then.

How do you feel about the learning conditions and facilities at ULIS?

Because ULIS is a leading school in Vietnam in teaching foreign languages, linguistics ​​and international studies, I was provided with a lot of new knowledge that I never knew when I was studying in China. The facilities at ULIS are also very good. There are many libraries and self-study rooms for students here, and I often go there to do my homework. In addition, ULIS’s lecture halls are very clean, neat, and have enough equipment to meet the learning needs of students. In general, this is a school with standard facilities for an international student from China like me.

How do you feel about Vietnamese people, teachers, and friends at school?

Vietnam is a beautiful country and so are Vietnamese people. As a ULIS student, I clearly feel the unique beauty of Vietnamese people in every friend and teacher at school. I myself was a bit worried before studying abroad in Vietnam. I was worried that I would encounter a big language barrier because I had never been exposed to Vietnamese before, at most through a few viral videos on social networks. Fortunately, the students at ULIS not only have a very good level of English, but also many students from the Chinese department can communicate in Chinese very well. Thanks to the help from teachers and friends, my Vietnamese level has improved quickly and adapting to life in Vietnam has become easier.

In your opinion, how will studying at ULIS help you in your career path ahead?

The knowledge, experience and lessons I learned from friends, teachers and school activities are useful in my career path ahead. Vietnamese is a future career, so what could be better than cultivating this wonderful language at a leading foreign language school in Vietnam.

Do you plan to stay in Vietnam after graduation?

I really like and love Vietnam. So I hope to find a good job in this country. Probably some export trading company. Hopefully, the time at ULIS will be memorable and helpful for future work. I want to stick with Vietnam longer so I can feel more deeply about everything here. 

Thank you Tru Mai for your recent sharing. Hopefully your journey at ULIS will be wonderful and memorable. Wishing you all your wishes and success in the future! Once again, thank you for choosing ULIS!