ULIS co-working space UTS in place
On May 8th, 2019, ULIS – VNU held the opening ceremony of the UTS – ULIS Teachers’ Space, which is a co-working space for its faculty located in room 201, Block B3.

The ceremony was attended by ULIS Governing Board, representatives of departments and lecturers.

Delivering his congratulatory speech, President Do Tuan Minh said that the space was built with the desire to create a place to ULIS lecturers to work and rest. The President hoped that all lecturers would make good use of this space to further develop their own abilities.

The co-working space was completed within 2 months. With a total area of about 131m2, the space serves as a common workplace for faculty. ULIS teachers can enjoy a lot of modern and free facilities here. The space is divided into 2 separate areas with all the previous brick walls replaced by glass windows which can provide users with beautiful views, overlooking all the green trees and other buildings outside.

At the ceremony, President Do Tuan Minh and Vice President Ngo Minh Thuy performed the ritual to officially open the space.

In future, the University will open more common work areas for all staff.