ULIS signed cooperation agreement with University Malaysia Sabah (UMS), MALAYSIA

On October 12th, 2016, ULIS organized the ceremony of signing cooperation agreement with UMS, Malaysia.

The ceremony took place with the presence of Do Minh Hoang – Director of Cooperation and Development Office, Vu Hai Ha – Dean of Faculty of English Language Teacher Education (FELTE) and Khoa Anh Viet – Director of Center of Information Technology and Learning Resource. For UMS part, Dr. Tan Choonkeong – Head of E-learning Department, Dr. Denis Andrew D. Lajium – Head of Science and Math and Dr. Lee KeanWah – Head of Division of Teaching Methodology participated in this ceremony.


At the working session, representatives of ULIS and UMS exchanged and discussed frankly the cooperation activities in the upcoming time. Many opinions were put forward to facilitate the cooperation so that it would have the highest quality.

After that, both sides agreed on long-term training and research cooperation in exchange of lecturers, students and staff; joint research; joint education projects; education publication exchange; PhD training; Vietnamese and Malaysian language teaching.


Both sides agreed to take necessary steps to have the best cooperation. ULIS will act as a bridge for student exchange between both universities as well as between USM and other research universities, centers in Hanoi.

Addressing at the ceremony, Mr. Hoang extended his thanks to efforts from UMS to realize the cooperation between the two sides through this signing ceremony. He stated that the cooperation with UMS would be a great opportunity for ULIS to utilize its strength in foreign language research and training and expand relationships with other countries in the world.

Meanwhile, Dr. Lee KeanWah also extended his thanks to ULIS for its belief. He thought that it was an honor for UMS to cooperate with ULIS, one of the leading universities in foreign language research and training and promised to make more concerted efforts to boost the cooperation between both sides.


The ceremony closed in a warm atmosphere. Both universities committed to soon put the cooperation agreement into practice by specific activities in the near future.

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