ULIS women’s football: sportsmanship soars high

ULIS women’s football tournament held to celebrate Vietnamese Women’s day came to an end and the winner was the united team from the Faculties of Russian, Chinese, French, Japanese, German, Korean Language and Culture, and separate divisions.

On October 15th, 2018, ULIS – VNU jubilantly organized a football tournament for women faculty and staff members to celebrate the Vietnamese Women’s Day October 20th with the support from the University’s Executive Board, officials, teachers, and students.

The tournament was attended by four teams, namely (i) Functional Offices and the Faculty of Language Education and Professional Development team; (ii) English Faculties’s united team; (iii) Faculties of Russian, Chinese, French, Japanese, German, Korean Language and Culture, and separate divisions team; (iv) and FLSS team.

At the opening ceremony, Vice President Ngo Minh Thuy made the speech to encourage all the players for the sports spirit.

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