University of Languages and International Studies (ULIS) worked with the People Police Academy

On October 6th, 2016, University of Languages and International Studies – Vietnam National University, Hanoi (ULIS – VNU) held the meeting with the People Police Academy (PPA) to discuss cooperation activities in the upcoming time.

The meeting was attended by ULIS’s President Do Tuan Minh, Vice-President Nguyen Xuan Long, Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Lan Trung and representatives of ULIS’s departments. From PPA, Deputy Director, Major General, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dang Xuan Khang, Deputy Director, Major General, Prof. Dr. Nguyen Tien Nhat and representatives of its departments took part in the meeting.


At the meeting, ULIS and PPA discussed the cooperation in the upcoming time. Many opinions were put forward to promote the relations between both sides and make cooperation into life with specific and practical activities.

Addressing at the ceremony, President Minh asserted that ULIS highly appreciated the cooperation attitude of PPA. Regarded as a center with long tradition of training talented police, PPA is always a partner of choice of ULIS. Based on cooperation agreements, ULIS will offer best conditions and ensure the highest effectiveness for cooperation between both sides.


On behalf of PPA’s Board of Management, Mr. Khang extended his sincere thanks to ULIS. He affirmed that cooperation with ULIS is a good opportunity to boost the relations between two education facilities and believed that with the support of ULIS, the proficiency of foreign languages of staff, lecturers and students of PPA would be greatly elevated.

Both sides at the same time agreed to implement immediately some plans to make the cooperation more effective by practical activities.

After the meeting, ULIS and PPA played a friendly football match. With the passion for sports, both sides performed a fantastic match. The program closed with an intimate party, and art performances.

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