Workshop: What direction for sustainable development of communities of practice at ULIS?

On December 15th, 2021, ULIS-VNU held the workshop “What direction for the sustainable development of communities of practice at ULIS-VNU?”.

The workshop was organized to create a forum for communities of practice (COPs) to share their goals, action plans, products, proposals in the future.

In his opening speech, President Do Tuan Minh said: “During its 66-year history of establishment and development, ULIS – VNU has always aspired to build joint research groups. This is an issue that the University cares and pays attention to.”

The main content of the workshop was the sharing and exchange of the leaders of the communities of practice.

After listening to the sharing of the Leaders of the Communities of practice, the leaders of departments also had timely answers and shared future plans in helping and supporting the COPs.

At the end of the workshop, the delegates listened to 3 concluding and inspirational speeches from the Governing Board.