Handing over renovated international students’ accommodation at Foreign Language Dormitory

In order to enhance the work of attracting international students to study at ULIS-VNU, on August 20th, 2024, the Student Support Center – VNU, SHB Bank and ULIS ​​- VNU organized the Handover Ceremony of the renovation project of international students’ accommodation at the Foreign Languages ​​Dormitory.

Delivering his speech at the ceremony, Mr. Pham Quang Hoa – Director of SHB Bank West Hanoi branch, expressed his honor that SHB was able to contribute to the project of renovating accommodation for international students at the Foreign Language Dormitory.

Next, on behalf of the VNU Student Support Center, Director Vu Van Thang expressed his gratitude to SHB Bank for sponsoring and renovating 11 rooms for international students in the Foreign Language Dormitory.

On behalf of ULIS-VNU, President Nguyen Xuan Long said that ULIS was committed to continuing to invest and equip more facilities to better serve the learning and living needs of users.

After that, the delegates moved to the 2nd floor, building 14C, Foreign Language Dormitory to attend the ribbon cutting ceremony and attach the sponsorship sign for the project.