[UNC2025] International Forum “Teaching Vietnamese as a Foreign Language in Vietnam and Abroad”

On August 26th, 2024, ULIS-VNU organized the International Forum “Teaching Vietnamese as a Foreign Language in Vietnam and Abroad”.

Speaking at the opening of the Forum, Vice President Lam Quang Dong said that the Forum was an important activity within the framework of the Project to open the Vietnamese Language and Culture major (major in Teaching Vietnamese as a foreign language) of the University, helping ULIS ​​to collect comments and contributions to complete the Project.

The international forum “Teaching Vietnamese as a foreign language in Vietnam and abroad” with 12 presentations and 2 discussion sessions created an opportunity to present and introduce many creative solutions, from the application of artificial intelligence technology to the development of culturally based teaching materials, while emphasizing the importance of expanding international cooperation in this field.

Through the sharing and discussion at the forum, a picture of the situation of Vietnamese language teaching in the world was outlined, at the same time ushering in many new cooperation opportunities between educational institutions, scholars, and Vietnamese communities around the world.