Category Archives: News & Events

ULIS signed the cooperation agreement with CENGAGE Learning Vietnam

The signing ceremony of cooperation agreement between ULIS – VNU and Cengage Learning took place on November 14th, 2016. From ULIS, the ceremony was attended by Dr. Do Tuan Minh – President, Dr. Nguyen Xuan Long – Vice-President, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Lan Trung –

ULIS Successfully organized international scientific seminar: Higher Education in France and Francophone in the context of globalization – Asia- Pacific vision

On the 11th of November, 2016, the University of Languages and International Studies – Vietnam National University, Hanoi, (ULIS-VNU) in cooperation with the International Francophone Institute (IFI) held 2016 international scientific conference with the theme “Higher Education in France and Francophone in the context of