CLC Day – MEET Gala 2022: 20th Anniversary of fast-track program of Faculty of English Language Teacher Education

On August 1st, 2022, ULIS-VNU celebrated the 20th anniversary of the fast-track training program in English language teacher education and conferred the certificate of merit to the Division of Fast-track Program of the Faculty of English Language Teacher Education.

During the event, Ms. Nguyen Thu Le Hang, Head of the Division briefly presented the progress within 20 years with many challenges as well as achievements of the Division. Since its deployment in 2001, teachers and students of the Division have always been working hard to reach their goals. Thanks to their determination and passion, this Division has gained significant achievements. In May, 2022, the program received a certificate for successfully completing the AUN-QA program assessment. In addition, the English fast-track program was highly rated by VNU assessment team in November, 2015.

Recognizing the good results that the Division has achieved over the past years, President Do Tuan Minh extended his congratulations and expressed his sharing about the history and tradition of the Division. The President also shared his feelings and thoughts about the Division, about all the challenges of the first days of deploying the program. However, thanks to that, the Division has overcome all the challenges, seized opportunities and become as successful as today.

Recognizing these results, President Do Tuan Minh awarded certificate of merit to the Division for its achievements in 20 years from 2002 to 2022.

In addition, in the 20th anniversary event, other activities were carried out such as exhibitions, Got Talent competition, leaving their memories in writing, etc. These exciting activities have partly added to the cohesion between the lecturers and the students of the Division.

The 20th anniversary of the Division of Fast-track Program in English Language Teacher Education ended successfully. All the Division teachers and students look forward to more achievements in the future.