Fast-track programs: higher investment, harder determination, greater demand for a better quality

In due course, students of the fast-track programs will soon have more opportunities to experience a variety of training methods and fieldworks.

The fast-track programs based on the Circular 23/2014 once again were a prominent topic across the meeting held on the 4th of October 2018 at ULIS-VNU.

The meeting was attended by ULIS’s President Do Tuan Minh, Vice President Ngo Minh Thuy, members of the fast-track program’s executive Board of the University and Faculties, headteachers, and other teachers participating in teaching and training activities for students of the programs in the Faculty of Chinese Language and Culture, the Faculty of Japanese Language and Culture, and the Faculty of Korean Language and Culture.

Informing a report at the meeting, the secretary of the program’s executive Board said that since the establishment, the Board had worked on activities to build, thrive, and enhance the training and service qualities of the program.

“Out of 322 students of the program in this year’s intake, there are 101 students joining in 4 different Chinese classes; 109 students joining in 4 Korean classes; 113 students joining in 5 Japanese classes.”

He added: “the average benchmark point of the program is 26 to 28, from which the mark of the valedictorian of the Chinese program is 35.08, the Japanese program is 34.72, and the Korean program is 36.42. That is a demonstration of the good admission quality of the three new programs.”

Some other relevant reports were also informed at the meeting.

What are the Activities implemented for students of the program?

The arrangement of higher-qualified Vietnamese and foreign lectures; the establishment of practical plan both within and without the country; the establishment of an overall training program, the scholarship plan created in favor of students; the organization of career workshops and skills-developing; the building of a set of self-study suite.

Statements from the Executive Board

Addressing at the meeting, Vice president Ngo Minh Thuy stated that the establishment of the fast-track program was appropriate with the current trend “self-control in university”.

“The University takes the act of doing this program absolutely serious. The University will therefore issue some suitable and priority policies for the sake of the students of this fast-track program.” She said.

President Do Tuan Minh expressed a joyful feeling when realizing the responsibility, determination, and ready mentality from all members of the program’s executive Board.

He said: “students of this fast-track program are meant to be invested higher, to try harder, and to be demanded higher to acquire higher and better quality. It is quite the opposite of other fast-track programs where prominent students are selected to join in”.

“Help students of the fast-track program to feel how much the University cares about them. Therefore, they will fall in love with the University and become a decent part of this ‘Kingdom of ULS.” He says.

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