Finale of 2nd “Aimer pour guider” competition for young French-speaking guides

On September 24th, 2022, the finale of the 2nd “Aimer pour guider” contest for young French-speaking guides with the message “Explore Vietnam – a safe destination”, was held at Vu Dinh Lien amphitheater.

The competition was organized by the Francophone Tourism Club – La Route des Découvertes with the aim of creating an environment to exchange, learn and improve knowledge and level of French, help students have a passion for the profession and be more confident and brave in the process of studying and setting up a career in the future.

Since its launch a month ago, the contest has received the attention, response and active participation of a large number of young people, including 17 students from universities in Hanoi. 5 outstanding groups of candidates were shortlisted to enter the final round.

At the event, Dean of the Faculty of French Language and Culture Dam Minh Thuy affirmed that the University and the Faculty always want to organize competitions for students in the Francophone community to not only help develop their French language ability but also hone their professional skills.