Hanoi-Hamburg Student Exchange Program 2018: Bilateral exchanges – forging International friendships

The experiences of students from the two schools received via the two valuable trips have left many profound memories. For Hamburg students, it is a unique experience in a small, beautiful and rich South-East Asian country. For FLSS’s students, it is the motivation for them to strive harder in learning, to love the German language more and to continue to be exposed to new horizons.

In October 2018, FLSS welcomed 24 students and two teachers from Albrecht-Thaer-Gymnasium (Hamburg, Germany) to visit and study in Vietnam under the exchange program between the two sides. This activity happened after 24 students of FLSS visited and studied in Hamburg, Germany, back in May and June, 2018.

The first part of the program (May, 28th to June 17th, 2018 in Germany)

The activities of this year’s exchange program were varied and plentiful, highlighting a two-day trip to Berlin at the invitation of the PASCH Initiative: Partnership school of the Future (Project of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Federal Republic of Germany) on the 10th anniversary of its founding. Here, students of the FLSS had the opportunity to interact with German students from many different countries and together take a photo with the German Minister of Foreign Affairs – Mr. Heiko Mass.

In addition, many other activities also attract students: visiting Lüneburg and Hamburg City Hall, sailing, or cycling around Alster Lake. Mr. Peter Vollertsen is very impressed with the positive, out going, and fast integration with life in the host families of the Vietnamese students.

The second part of the program (October, 6th to 22nd , 2018 in Germany)

In the second part of the program in Vietnam, students of the two schools participated in a variety of interactive experiences: decoding rituals in Hanoi Old Quarter, visiting Hoa Lo prison, Ethnology Museum, Ha Long Bay, Ninh Binh, Thien Son – Suoi Nga and so on.

These activities have helped German students to understand more about the country as well as the people of Vietnam. All the students and teachers of Germany appreciate the friendliness and hospitality of the people of Vietnam.

The bilateral exchange program ended with a farewell party. The gifts of the German-Vietnamese friends were specially presented to each other.

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