Honoring and awarding the Medal “Contributions to the cause of developing Vietnam Association of Former Teachers”

On April 15th, 2024, ULIS-VNU and its Former Teachers Association held a ceremony to present the Medal “Contributions to the cause of developing Vietnam Association of Former Teachers” for individuals with outstanding contributions to the Association’s activities.

At the beginning of the ceremony, Chairman of the Association Nguyen Cong Nhan congratulated the 20th anniversary of Vietnam Association of Former Teachers (2004-2024) and announced the decision to present the Medal “Contributions to the cause of developing Vietnam Association of Former Teachers” to members of ULIS Former Teachers Association.

He then presented the medal to 43 teachers of ULIS Former Teachers Association.

Mr. Nguyen Van Loi – ULIS Former President expressed his honor in receiving the Medal and his pride to be one of the witnesses of the University growth right from the early days of its establishment.

Dr. Do Tuan Minh, Chairman of ULIS Council hoped that all events organized by ULIS will receive enthusiastic participation of members of the Former Teachers Association.