Implementing the plan on enhancing the quality of teaching and learning foreign languages in Hau Loc district, Thanh Hoa Province

The plan which promises true success has been offically launched

According to ULIS Dispatch 794/ĐHNN-ĐTBDNN issued on August 14th, 2018 of ULIS-VNU on building a plan to enhance the quality of teaching and learning foreign languages in 3 districts of Thanh Hoa province, the University and Thanh Hoa Education and Training Office had a meeting on October 17th, 2018 in Hau Loc, Thanh Hoa.

The meeting was attened by ULIS’s President Do Tuan Minh, Chairman of Cooperation and Development Consultancy Council Nguyen Lan Trung, representatives of ULIS’s units.

From Thanh Hoa Education and Training Office side, Director of the Office Pham Thi Hang and representatives from different units participated in the meeting. They were joined by the Executive Board of Hau Loc High school and 28 English teachers from 4 different high schools.

Delivering her speech at the meeting, Director of the Office Pham Thi Hang recognized the positive role and effective activities of ULIS over this Project. She appreciated the plan on enhancing the quality of teaching and learning foreign languages in Hau Loc district and hoped to expand the Program in the next implementation period.

Extending his thanks towards Thanh Hoa Department of Education and Training Office, President Do Tuan Minh affirmed that the University would try its best when implementing this Program to support the province in teaching and learning foreign languages.

Later, ULIS delegation of ULIS met and directly discussed relevant issues with the English teachers participating in the Program.

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