International Conference “Translation 4.0: training, research and practice” – UCIT2020

On October 27th, 2020, ULIS-VNU in collaboration with the National Foreign Languages  Project  (NFL) and National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) held an online international conference “Translation 4.0: training, research and practice” – UCIT2020.

Using 2 languages, Vietnamese and English (with simultaneous interpretation), the conference attracted the participation of about 500 delegates from more than 10 countries, including the USA, the UK, France, China, Russia, Germany, Japan, Australia, New Zealand and others.

Speaking on behalf of the University, Vice President Lam Quang Dong extended his thanks to the co-organizers, guests, sponsors, the organizing committee and delegates for joining hands to organize this conference.

In the morning roundtable discussion, delegates exchanged and shared about 3 major topics in the translation industry.

In the afternoon online plenary sessions, two papers were delivered by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Le Hung Tien (ULIS-VNU) with the topic ‘Trends, directions and challenges in translator & interpreter education – Implications for education & research in Vietnam’ and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dinh Dien – University of Natural Sciences, VNU Ho Chi Minh City with the topic ‘Applications of  computational linguistics in translation.’

After that, 80 articles were presented in 12 parallel sessions, focusing on issues of the current situation of translation and interpretation, translation education, practical application, promoting research in translation, amongst others. New experiences, groundbreaking research, and useful suggestions were shared at the conference.

ULIS International Conference “Translation 4.0: training, research and practice” – UCIT2020 ended after an active and vibrant working day.