Liu, Si Yu – Taiwan: Studying at ULIS will help my future career

As a student majoring in languages in Wenzao University in Taiwan, I want to compare and differentiate my University and any foreign language university. That explains my choice of studying at ULIS, a great language university in Vietnam.

Before my arrival at ULIS, I had a sense of worry about the communication with local people and the dormitory and campus. However, I turned out quite ok to me, even though I struggled a bit at the beginning . At first, I was a bit stressed with the high volume of assignments. Sometimes, I had to wake up quite early in the morning to attend classes. However, I got a lot of support from my teachers and my Vietnamese classmates. Gradually, I was used to with everything. It was a real shame that I didn’t participate in collective and club activities at ULIS.

After all, studying at ULIS can prove that I have a great interest to Vietnam and have a basic understanding of Vietnamese culture and custom, which will help me in my future career. I plan to come back to Vietnam to do my internship and consider the possibility of working here.